Wondering how the market is?

The Niagara real estate market has settled a bit and we all hope the rates continue to lower a little. 
Lots of inventory coming on market daily. Buyers have been given more opportunities to take their time making such a big decision.
Sellers are finding that it's taking a bit of time to find the right buyer/deal and many are even successful with sale of their property as a condition of purchase.
Price decreases are happening to adjust with the market.
Values are still up, and properties are still moving ... it is just taking a bit of time.

I personally think that's a good thing. You should always have time to make a well thought out decision, especially for one of the biggest purchases of your lives!
I love to talk about all the aspects of real estate…
I am just a call away and would be happy to come to you wherever you are in Niagara or meet somewhere convenient for tea on me to chat about the possibilities!

~ Vicki ~

Home Valuation

For most people, their house is their single biggest investment. Find out how much your investment is worth with a no-obligation market valuation.

Find a Dream Home

If you are in the market for your "Dream Home" then I would love to help. Simply fill out my Buyer Registration card and I will have suitable new listings emailed to you as soon as they come on the market or give me a call and I would be happy to talk about the possibilities.

Contact Me

Contact Me- I'd be happy to talk to you about making a move

Vicki  Armstrong

Phone: 905.892.0222  

Mobile: 905.650.0150  


Vicki Armstrong  Broker


Happy to be able to help people in Niagara with their real estate needs since 2008.  Interested in making a move ~ let's chat!  